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Our Vision

Our Mission River of Comfort is located near the banks of the Siyiapei River, 0n a beautiful piece of land donated by Caroline’s mother. With 5 bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms and a kitchen, we are able to assist many elders in a clean, safe environment. Our facility houses eight to ten elders at any given time. It is our desire to be the hands and heart of Jesus Christ to these dear people.

Our prayer is to be able to continue serving the elderly in the Masai community. We have been blessed to date with the ability to bring these people out of the lonely and dangerous conditions that they have had to endure and bring them to a place where they can find food, warm clothing, clean water and shelter. Once in this safe environment, we can share the Word of God with them and teach them crafts, sewing and other life skills. With the Lord’s help, we would like to add a mobile outreach of nurses and other volunteers to minister to the needs of seniors who are hidden in remote villages, and in desperate need of medical care, food and warm clothing as well as decent shelter. We are so grateful and blessed with what the Lord had provided to us as a means to share his love with His children - these elders. Please partner with us in this life giving ministry?

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River of Comfort Ministries


PO Box  1233

La Mirada, CA 90637

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